Monday, 31 August 2015

Look! It's a red one

Look! It's a red one, as a red squirrel dashed across the road as we neared our destination. Looking for a week of country peace, this was a good start. We have come to stay in deepest Galloway, no noise except for birds, bees and cows. No technology, except for an iPad and a camera, but, as there is minimal internet those don't really count. Oh, and for noise I should have added in the gentle clicking of needles and the scraping of a knife tidying up plastic model kit pieces.



This was yesterday, not the 1950's. The road entrance was slightly blocked, by a herd of cows that weren't at all fazed by a large, black car. William actually had to get out of the car and shoo them away.


Prior to getting here we went to Culzean Castle were they were doing a reanactment day, Bruce's men to Vietnam. Some military vehicles were shot to add to Williams reference library, and I was shot by him while doing so! Someone actually recognised the camo I was wearing, Swiss Alpenflage, turned out he was ex Swiss army himself. Best camo ever for photo stuff, masses of built in pockets, and most people don't even realise it is real, plenty of odd stares, but not the same as when wearing British army stuff.

Plenty of flowers here and today as I was sitting quietly knitting a hare hopped up beside me and sat watching me while I watched him (or her). A smallish one, so I think this years crop. Didn't have a camera to hand. Lots of bees and insects as well.


Thursday, 20 August 2015

Colours of my Mind

Once upon a time there was, and still is, a knitwear designer calle Kaffe. He really went in for colour, colour blocks, patters, stripes, squares and triangles. I had no idea that my mother was interested in his designs. However some months back she dug in one of her many drawers and pulled out a bag of about 20 small skeins that were meant to make a cardigan with lots of triangles. This I couldn't face, so, some frogging and re-rolling later I started to use them.


First: a multicoloured and textured scarf

Second: a shawl in colour blocks

Third: ? Must think.

I find the use of colours fascinating. How they blend and mix, what the 'rules' are. Who uses which, and why. I tend to wear neutrals, nothing very bright. This year though, I have indulged in reds, reds and more reds. Am I getting old, is this a breakout in life, a personal crazy streak or what? The plan is to be cheerful.

This, however, does not look cheerful, she looks positively ferocious. Cats have been a part of my life since I was 9. The only time I have been without them is when at boarding school and at university.

I started by bringing cats home from the farm. Mum hated it, but I was persistent, and eventually she gave in.

Originally there was a constant stream of moggies, many of whom were rescue cats, but, more recently, we have had mainly British Shorthairs, one Norwegian Forest and a pair of Bengals. Bengals, I have discovered, need endless patience and an ability to shout loudly enough to interrupt the latest mischief. Tonight it was running around the house with the packaging from the meat.

This one is less naughty, but has a very definite mind of her own, and a good ability to understand the English language, especially the VET word, even when spelt.