Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved animals, but her mother wasn't at all enthusiastic. However I persisted. The first pets I had were a pair of white guinea pigs with pink eyes. Pinky and Perky. I loved them and simply brought them home from a friends, it was a done deal, and I was allowed to keep them for a while. Unfortunately, although siblings, they were also keen breeders, and one was of each sex. Babies ensued. This was the final straw and I was made to take them to the PDSA and give them away.
The next trial was a budgerigar, also sourced from a friend, however this time on a loan to see what happened. Mum couldn't stand the smell, so made me keep its cage in the garage, which rather spoilt the point, so he went back.
The next trial was a cat. This one came from the local stables, Samantha, a tortie. She managed to stay. Mostly because I hid her in my bedroom for days, and then I wouldn't give her back. She was very intelligent, could open doors unless they were wedged shut and was totally a one person cat. Anyone else trying to handle her was thoroughly scratched. I loved her. She became the foundation of a string of cats. The only time I have been without was when I was at university, living in rented accommodation. The number has varied. Never less than two, now at six.
This photo is the youngest of the present brood, Eowyn. She, like most cats enjoys small spaces, and my knitting box was a perfect fit. Not sure if I will manage to get it back. At least she rarely chases wool, although has been known to bat my needles away, especially if she wants attention.

Knitting is going apace. The wool in the foreground above is the starting point of a scarf for Gillian. She commented she liked the colours of a scarf I had done previously, and I had enough wool left over, so am making another. A different lace, but I think/hope she will like it.

The third recent knitting event was my scarf for William. Again I didn't have enough, but this time ordered some more, unfortunately it was a very different dye lot, and although it blended, it was not appreciated as the second skein was mostly orange. Not a success, so I've taken the two halves apart, will finish the second half up and make into a fairly short cowl for myself. Don't know what I'll do for William though. Have to think, everything I've started he's wrinkled his nose at, metaphorically anyway.
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