- being given 6d (that's 2 1/2p) by the van driver, whose name was Ivor, and who always had a drip on the end of his nose, to go to the green grocer and get myself an apple. It was a Golden Delicious. It was perfect, big and round and crispy.
- having a star fruit, the next door but one neighbour was a pilot who flew with BOAC, and he once brought a bag of exotic fruit back and we all tried some. I wasn't impressed, but it would have been sitting in his bag for hours.
- bananas were always a treat.
- other fruit came in tins, heavily treated with sugar syrup. My mother used to make her trifle with black cherries from tins . They were canned with the stones in, and we had to stone them before using. My hands were stained purple for days. Now I make it with mandarin oranges, also from tins, as William doesn't like cherries.
Food was more expensive, I remember when the price of steak hit £1 a pound. It was a scandal. Mother was a good cook, being German her style was continental, the vegetables were not watery and the meat was on the rare side. I remember the shock I got when I went to boarding school and was expected to eat overlooked everything. I lived on biscuits and bread.
Knitting is moving on. I am on another cowl to go with my new coat. The coat was acquired to replace one I have lost. Don't know where, although that is illogical, as if I knew where it wouldn't be lost. Anyway the new one is greys and greens and reds so a grey and brown cowl. An interesting pattern Called 'In the Loop'. Maybe I should call mine Loopy Loo. Almost half done. Easy and fun. Now finished, sits well and warm and cosy. Will go well with my coat.

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